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Why you should stop counting calories and start stretching instead

Updated: Jun 22, 2022

Spending an extra hour running a week, adding extra reps, making sure you monitor every bite that goes in your mouth, and yet, you feel as if something is lacking, and you're not quite hitting the mark to where you want to be. Whether your goal is weight loss, performance, anti-aging, or maintenance, #stretching is likely the missing factor you need to get there. Often, we focus too much on one or two of the three pillars of fitness: diet, exercise (endurance or strength training), and last but definitely not least- flexibility.

There are so many reasons why stretching is essential. It prepares your body for a workout, increases flexibility, decreases chances of injury, restores muscles making your next workout not has painstaking, improves posture, and more. But how could it help with weight loss? Well, to be clear, when it comes to weight loss (and by weight, we mean subcutaneous fat loss), it is likely you will Not lose weight by stretching alone. You should incorporate stretching into your workouts (if you haven't already). However, if "going hard" at the gym is not your cup of tea, there are purposeful workouts that include stretching that will allow you to do both!

The first one that naturally comes to mind for many is #yoga. Yoga is a form of exercise comprised of different variations that combine physical posture, stretching, breathing techniques, #meditation, and relaxation. It almost sounds like a walk on the beach during sunset, so how is it possible for something that "Zen's" you out help with not obsessing over the perfect amount of calories but still lose weight?

For all of the 'non-yogis' out there (super beginners or never tried), yoga does require some strength to flow with synchronized breaths through the different poses, which can actually be pretty challenging. For my fellow #yogi's, this is no news to you. Not to go into too much detail, but there are many different yoga styles, some that burn more calories than others, but all have similar mechanisms that can promote weight loss. Here are a few based on current research:

  • Energy expenditure during yoga sessions.

  • Allowing for additional exercise outside yoga sessions by reducing back and joint pain.

  • Heightening mindfulness, improving mood, and reducing stress, which may help reduce food intake.

  • Allowing individuals to feel more connected to their bodies leads to enhanced awareness of satiety and overeating discomfort.

Thus, yoga is promising to assist with behavioral change, weight loss, and maintenance. And the best part, yoga poses can be modified for all ages and physical capabilities.

So you're still not sold on the idea or want to take these incorporated stretch workout up a notch. There are many heart pumping, sweat-fest workouts that are popular, like Barre, Pilates, and one that is gaining a lot of popularity Hot #HIIT Yoga. Just ask Aleksandra Mark a Hot HITT instructor in NYC & the Hampton's, she is living proof that cardio is not mandatory for weight loss, "I love that you are able to get your heart rate up, while building strength and flexibility. All are good for health & weight loss."


In summary, stretching and stretching involved exercises can build muscle, reduce inflammation in your body, and get leaner (without obsessing over the number on the scale). The important thing is to commit yourself to incorporate stretching in your fitness and wellness routines to better reach or maintain your #goals. No need to start big; make small and gradual changes, and you will be surprised at the changes you will see in your body. As you become more consistent with stretching, such as yoga, you may be more inclined to choose healthier foods and other lifestyle choices. Even if your goal is not weight loss, your body will thank you for years to come.

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